ts files in the list are guaranteed to be h264/aac and with the same resolution (for cases when there is a EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag). I'm trying to convert an HLS playlist to MP4 file. Player = await om_url(queueList, loop=client.loop)Īwait ctx.send("`'.format(player.title))

Results = ast.literal_eval(YoutubeSearch(keywords, max_results=1).to_json()) If someone could help me understand what the issue is then that would be greatly appreciated. The only problem I have had thus far is that when I store the Youtube URL in a list and then index it on the "next" command then it returns an error saying "KeyError: 'twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer'" and I cannot find any other examples of this being returned back to the user. I can play the audio entirely, as well as pull titles, durations, thumbnails, etc.

Only recently have I began adding music commands to it with youtube_dl, youtube_search, and ffmpeg. I have been writing a Discord bot in Python using discord.py version 1.5.0.